Wisenheimer…and friends. *Late show appendix A*

So I thought I would start this reboot with a question, on the objective morality of the social working class and the generalist ideologies of what it means to wholly accept the Marxist thought patterns and cognitions.

Marxism, excluding the perversions brought on by the capitalist miss-conceptions of communism through the small scoped eyes of the retrospective demographic, which we will label “U” for future reference. I would have liked to say that I chose the letter randomly, but it was strongly inspired by the comfort in aestheticism and social ignorance of this class in deep rooted services, such as the utopian delusion.

This class enjoys the ability to easy sacrilege the governing body in wrongly placed hope of an idealist state. They enjoy to critic any authoritarian figure which understandably is the core of any governing body no matter how liberal the house is.

The close comparison between the socialism and capita led ideologies is that in both systems the core citizen is judged on ability to perform for the system and is rewarded with surplus relative to the contribution they put in, everybody gets something, but the system distributes the profits to those that input more into the social systems. this pure idea cant be reciprocated in the capita led ecosystems, because capita plays fall on one human vice, greed.

Word for food.

Bright idea 8 Autosuggestion – “you’ll never be alone”

Upon satisfaction.

In one’s life the period allocated to you here on earth is never enough to achieve all that we hope to accomplish. Some look towards higher powers to bargain for more time or a promise of afterlife, to where they hope to find enlightenment. While others accept fate and choose to look for death in order to die on their terms. I particularly don’t fully appreciate these view points, I mean its only human to want to lay mid ground.

One emotion that both theist and atheist fear is pure emptiness whether it’s an empty promise of afterlife or just emptiness of death. I have come to understand that to overcome this emotion a strong will of faith is need one that blinds all obvious facts to the arrogant and naïve believer. Standing mid-way again, I choose a set of principles, they aren’t an ends but more of a means to make me see a bigger picture than my logical side paints for me, however this knowledge is mine and can be yours implying you believe it ought to be yours though our thought patterns would have to be similar to a point where you can at the least think like me to be… well me.

1st principle 5 with 4th being 4. Creative imagination coil desire then understand you don’t have a burning desire. 11th every morning you wake up knowing exactly what you’re going to do and why, but all the real joy is taken out of it. 5th faith, don’t fight it. Go to a quiet place, perhaps in your room at night, close your eyes….hold it…. I can touch it with my hands – imagination 9th principle you’ll never be alone. 8th know what you want like all states of mind the mastery of procrastination. 6th no one knows everything except for 2, think about it. With no place to go the 2nd is a state of mind, sudden thought or inspiration. Understand now the 6th principle is the 6th principle, the 6th sense. The 14th and final principle is the 12th principle, the one and only woman, the importance of a woman, you’ll never be alone. 10th is whatever you do for a living. The 3rd and this is important, this is it, thoughts are things. 7th time means nothing to your subconscious. 13th understand once and for all you’ll never be alone

“Here on earth”

Curse of a subjective mind.

Time, now. Space, here.

These words have been scribed to tell you the subjective story of an object.
In that hand there is an object


could be better

In that hand there is a stone

We are about to investigate why.

Question 1 what is the object?

The object is something apart from the subject, something material unknown to the subjectivity. This is an object


 The object exist in the 4 dimensions, time, space x, y and z

We distinguish this object from that object by its phenomenal container

Question 2 how do we seize the object outside our subjectivity?

We perceive the object in the external world by use of our 5 senses, sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing

 This is the reality we perceive with 5 senses and 4 dimensions

a flower

Got a bit lazy.

Here and now this is a flower

Question 3 do we know the object as it is for itself?

We do not know the object as it is for itself but as we sense it, our empirical knowledge shows flower from stone in our efficient cause this continues to the final cause of the object, its purpose.

Armed with knowledge you are now entering the Hyperuranion, we can now picture the subjectivity of the object, here there are no boundaries but you, and there is no space but movement, the moving cause of the object. There is no time just flux.

Everywhere and forever is a stone is a stone is a flower.

Its not summer yet jackass.

great stuff

Am I A Darrel Yet?

I could conquer a mile or two
but I earn friends my amigo
the word is the weakest
the world is the meanest

strive to live a day or more
without a cause its all folklore
but the centre is what I need
once I arrive I leave
to never once more enter

its ok I live and trust in life I don’t
why place mistrust when trust is blind
to all but my eye, to see all and let non past
at the rate lm moving you cant understand

so you just stand there, blind to fierce ambition
its bold, brash and moving
to me you’re tasteless, I’ve got beef with no season in mind

trust me no pun intended
just false lives of the reincarnated
so please put me on colossus
so I can flow just like molasses

justice for all I’ve got new targets
in the land of Ooo
that’s how…

View original post 29 more words

Its not summer yet jackass.

I could conquer a mile or two
but I earn friends my amigo
the word is the weakest
the world is the meanest

strive to live a day or more
without a cause its all folklore
but the centre is what I need
once I arrive I leave
to never once more enter

its ok I live and trust in life I don’t
why place mistrust when trust is blind
to all but my eye, to see all and let non past
at the rate lm moving you cant understand

so you just stand there, blind to fierce ambition
its bold, brash and moving
to me you’re tasteless, I’ve got beef with no season in mind

trust me no pun intended
just false lives of the reincarnated
so please put me on colossus
so I can flow just like molasses

justice for all I’ve got new targets
in the land of Ooo
that’s how I do it

like an adventure for all without the mollies
but I don’t pop molly, I pop nollies
its just math when lm over that pothole.




Clear your mind, maybe you’ll see.

I don’t know how many of you know this but I love skating, whether its rollerblades or skateboard I am usually down for a session. I got a new penny deck, you know the sweet organic ones, I had a chance to take it for a spin today. then it happened … the heavens opened up on me and my God did it rain, I took shelter under a bus stop cold, wet and well pissed cause my new wheels had water inside them. I had a thought at that point, lm here the rain is here, why cant I skate? I unstrapped my longboard from my bag and that’s when the fun began. the marble was wet, slippery and God did I love it. why does the rain have to limit my possibilities I came to skate and I did, happily.


Stay awesome internet.

Peace out.

Internet access is a basic human right: A Q&A with Keren Elazari

I totally agree, why should people in power run a monopoly on knowledge, one can reply “because knowledge is power” but words only have as much power as we give them, I might sound a bit arrogant but I think this is true to an extent. you can witness how words change over time e.g. Gay, this use to mean happy in old English but in modern times it was a homophobic word used to brand, however gay people now use the word to empower them selves, another example is the word “Paki” used to diminish Pakistani people, but some take the word and use it as a positive representation thereby changing other peoples views. #Free knowledge

Sugoi Poetry

Hover through the foggy vapours,
Until I see you in a dream,
Singing animals to sleep…

By the way, it’s over without you.
I’m in the way, I’m in the way.
Lights out to midnight.
Sleep all day

Dark and quiet, only the owls are watching,
Only the sky is up and I’m leaving for a place
From Another time, just to be near you, just to be near you, just to be near you

I’m in the way, I’m in the way.

Don’t become the one you hated.
Death is absolutely safe, billion bibles mark the last page.

I’ve gotta move through the days without you here
I get a shock, shock hurts to heal